
Why Should A Website Have Live Help

  In today’s tech savvy world, the Internet is a godsend for many people. They log on to make purchases, payments, do business, and even take classes. And since nothing is infallible, customer support is needed for all aspects of online transactions. So, let’s say that you have a state of the art call center that will allow customers to call in to get help with their online transactions. Most customers want instant gratification, so talking to someone right away while they are in the throes of panic is important to them – although the panic is often self-induced and unfounded. However needy they are, your business (and potential future business) depends upon their happiness. Now, let’s say that your call center has ten support specialists and they are all on the phone, so your eleventh panic stricken customer is on hold (or worse yet – getting a busy signal) and all the time cursing your existence. However what if you had a simple little feature on your web site that says “Live Help?”